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ProPatrol helps you centralize your suspicious mail reporting system. ProPatrol can be used to track and analyse such incidents. Organizations use ProPatrol to standardize their phishing email handling system as it specifies which team/personnel is responsible for taking care of such incidents-hence, avoiding any confusions or mishandlings.

Some of the features which make ProPatrol better than others are:

Integration with ProPhish and ProDMARC: For best experience and management, this is a great package deal

It can be well integrated with your email client software, eg: Outlook

100% Customizability- ProPatrol provides you the convenience of tailoring the platform according to your needs

Know your employees- Know which of your employees are responsible enough and aware about company’s security needs.

Incident Tracking: It allows the employee to track the incident from the very start to the closure

Incident Tracking: It allows the employee to track the incident from the very start to the closure

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